Personal examples, from the author, and moderate effort on your part can create a new way of looking at things. Lynn worked hard on this book to challenge and help people to work on their “frame of mind.” What do I mean by “frame of mind?” Well, the book talks about how you frame a subject, belief, idea, etc. For example, saying “I don’t want to be alone,” will attract situations where you are consistently alone. Whereas, changing the phrase to, “I want to have enough people around me that loneliness is a distant memory,” will bring more people into your life. This is also known as the Law of Attraction.
Lynn’s enthusiastic display and drive to motivate the reader to aspire to better things really shows up in this book. She said that we have to control our feelings. But the best part is that she doesn’t just tell you, she also shows you how to do it too. You will be well on your way to creating a future that you would like to have. Many people find after reading this book that they feel compelled to give it away to others who can use the information contained within. That is a small display of just how powerful Lynn’s message is to her readers. You should get your copy today to discover how your feelings are effecting your ability to create a better life.