September 14



  • Minutes Read

Martin Luther King Jr. once said,

“Peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”

This is such a powerful statement.

I still, to this day, get goose bumps when I read it.

Think about what he’s saying. He’s not saying that there is something to DO to “arrive” at peace…as if it’s a destination. But he’s saying that in order to “arrive” at peace, one must BE it.

Though I’m sure Dr. King wasn’t specifically talking about the Law Of Attraction with this statement, but it truly is spot on.

This is one of the things that trips most people up when it comes to the Law Of Attraction. They feel that they’ll be happy when they get the car, the house, the mate, etc.

But the real secret to this is being happy NOW….and those things will show up.


Law Of Attraction

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