January 4

Double Your Pleasure – Double Your Manifesting (Fun)

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Listen To Antonio Live!

I was going through some old MS Excel files while doing some reorganization and I ran across a file named “double_a_penny”. I opened it and I was pleasantly surprised to see a chart I did about 10 years ago that calculated the amount of money you’d have by doubling a penny every day.

It’s a pretty neat concept, in that by day 30, you’d have over 5 million dollars. It went something like this…

DAY 1 $0.01
DAY 2 $0.02
DAY 3 $0.04
DAY 4 $0.08
DAY 5 $0.16
DAY 6 $0.32
DAY 7 $0.64
DAY 8 $1.28
DAY 9 $2.56
DAY 25 $167,772.16
DAY 26 $335,544.32
DAY 27 $671,088.64
DAY 28 $1,342,177.28
DAY 29 $2,684,354.56
DAY 30 $5,368,709.12

I used this in my financial seminars to explain the concept of compounding. If you would like a copy of this just email me at doubleapenny {a t} antoniothornton.com (obviously, just replace {a t} with the @ symbol)

As I was sitting there, a really funky idea hit me….

What if I did the same thing for my new business..but just on a bigger scale.

What if I focused on making 1 single dollar this week;

then focused on making $2 dollars next week;

then $4; then $8; then $16…

By week 12 (only 3 short months from now) I’d be earning $2,000 per week ($2,048.00 to be exact) from this new venture.
That’s not bad.

Well, just one month later…If i continued the doubling, at week 16, I’d be at $32,768.00 – PER WEEK! That’s about $130K per month.

Now here’s the interesting part…as you know, last October I made $100K in a week. Which, at that time, was the most money I’d made in that amount of time.

The tricky part to this in week 18, the income is $131K per week. Now, this may seem like a lot of money…and it is. But there are people I know personally who are making this amount of income week-in and week-out. BUT, the truth is…

I don’t believe I can make that amount of money consistently.

So guess what? I won’t. The Law Of Attraction states that you’ll only attract to you what you believe you will. Beliefs are what create your thoughts, your feelings, your words, your actions, and ultimately, your reality. So you can only achieve what you believe…and admittedly, I don’t believe I can earn $130K per week right now.

But let’s jump back to week 16 – The $32K week.

I’ve made $32K per week before so, I can feasibly wrap my brain around making that kind of income.

But here’s the funny part. What if I did this entire process and got stuck at $32K per week?

Would that be such a horrible thing? Would it be terribly disappointing to earn almost $130K per month from a new business venture after 4 months?

So, here we are…Jan 4th, 2007. I just checked my stats and I’ve earned $.41 this week. So I’m a little under halfway there to making my dollar for the week.

I’m going to do a couple of things to make my other $.59 for this week, then focus on $2 next week. Then $4 the next week. Up to my $32K per week in April.
I think this will be fun.

Anyone want to join me?

Downloadable mp3


double-a-penny, Law Of Attraction, manifest, manifesting, millionaire-mindset, Personal Development, personal-growth, the-secret, universe, visualization, visualize

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  1. I’ll join. I’m starting off with $10 for the month in income from my blog. Next month $20, the following $40 and so on, all the way to $10,240. Along the way I’ll be adjusting my believability. After all, I have much bigger goals for the years to come.

    This was an excellent post that really helped me to see how I could achieve on of my goals this year.

    In Spirit,

  2. Its easy to mak3 $2 or $4 in a week, but how do you plan on making $1,000 per week or $2,000? Just show me how to do that!

  3. Okay Antonio,
    You and your ideas. 🙂 I’d really like to see you pull this off. This will be amazing.

    I haven’t started a business yet, I’m still at my J-O-B and I’m sure my boss isn’t going to double my income every week. 🙁

  4. This is ripe with possibilities. Perhaps believing it can happen is the toughest part for me. And yet I ask myself, why not? I’ll come up with a plan for myself. I like the idea of comment #3 to do $10 one montht then double that the next, etc. I have the same questions as #4 about how… Perhaps in meditating and focusing on it, answers will present themselves. I’m certainly willing to try! I’m already focused on the law of attraction to get money to pay off my debts, why not expect more and get ahead?

  5. Hi there Antonio,
    I tell u what, I listen to your first presentation of this on the podcast and found myself with a eurika moment. I have always pick up thoes pennies an put them in my very old 2 ft. Old Charter bottle. and every years end have about $50 to $70. Mind you never thinking that the law was wking all the time,(Unaware of The Secret) with respect to what I wanted and had put put there. And get this, never, ever preceving the compounding or dollor cost averageing principle to it. I sold insurance in the past for God sakes. How nieve. So, with a concensious effort NOW,(Secret activated) Lets do it.

    Oh yea, and Travis Best, PLEASE.. watch The Secret, again,and again,and again and double your own income, ok.

  6. OK, I’m down. I’m with you…
    I initially was intimidated in doing this given the “high” numbers (relative) you used early in your passage. But I must remember that I must start where I am. And a dollar a week is do-able (hope I got the numbers right). This is an excellent idea in doing the “course-work” that can raise my vibration. Interesting…in simply writing this response, I can already feel the peeling away of old thoughts.

    Its going to be a journey. I’m going to need everyone in the group. Thank you all in advance.

  7. I think it’s a wonderful idea, but the e mail address you posted does not work. You may want to look into that. Best of luck to you!

  8. I have to receive 100,000 a month. I’ve been telling my whole family about the law of attraction and EFT. I can’t borrow money anymore, they just say manifest it. Im not even mad (anymore) and we’ve been doing just fine, but I’d like to experience 100,000 a moth for a change.

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