I was going to launch my new Relationship Recipe book on Valentine’s day, but a couple of things came up that prevented it from launching then. Initially I was a little put off by it, but as you know, the Universe makes no mistakes. There was a reason for the delay.
A very specific reason…
Her name is Nekesha. She’s the woman I’m going to marry.
Besides my entire life…after meeting her, my perspective on dating has changed…SIGNIFICANTLY!
So, I’m taking the next few weeks to rewrite that part of the book and I plan to launch it the first or second week in April.
Be on the lookout.
Isn’t it wonderful how things work out? I’m learning to put myself into a place of trust and allowance, even when it might have been my habit to feel disappoinment or limitation. And since I’m changing how I respond to everything, situations that would have seemed stressful to me in the past, don’t bother me anymore.
I can’t wait for your book to come out! Oh and I’ve been consistently running every morning around 6:00 am for 15-20 mins.
Where’s the book?! I’m anxious and giddy to set my eyes upon it!
When will your book on relationships be out? Is your Relationship Recipe site not up yet?
Ed TheLittleLightBulb.com